2011 Best Before

The used soaps in this series are donations over time from friends, family, acquaintances and colleagues. Personal soaps used exclusively to cleanse their bodies are donated only at the point of being considered on the verge of disposal. Each soap is swathed with a skin of fine Polaroid film depicting a fragment of the human body. They are precious preserved remnants, reminders of the ephemeral nature of our existence.

Installation view
Installation view
BEST BEFORE 07.11.10
10cm (W) x 10cm (H)
Polaroid film on used soap
BEST BEFORE 09.03.11
10cm (W) x 10cm (H)
Polaroid film on used soap
BEST BEFORE 15.06.10
10cm (W) x 10cm (H)
Polaroid Film on used soap
BEST BEFORE 28.08.10
10cm (W) x 10cm (H)
Polaroid film on used soap